Monday, December 19, 2011

Scrooge no more

Usually this time of year I am excited to be nearing Christmas. I should Be that way this year maybe even a little more excited than other years because it is my baby's first Christmas. What new parent wouldn't be? But that is not the case this year. I find myself being a scrooge. This year has been challenging to say the least. There has been a lot of good things and there has been a lot of not so good things. And I find myself stuck in the middle of the bad things. I am either talking about the bad things that have happened or I am constantly thinking about the things then I get really angry. So why can't I just shake it off? Let it go? Maybe i should delight myself more in the word of God.... a verse that has come to me over and over recently is this:

"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " Philippians 3:13-14

So as I have been sitting here sulking in the bad and not looking forward and enjoying the very moment that I am in. So what I am trying to say in all of this rambling is that I should be joyful and happy about what I have and what I have been through this last year and welcome this Christmas with open arms and look forward to the new year! But you won't see me frolicking in the streets anytime soon, but I will count my blessings. Because Christmas is not about all the crap that has gone on the past year. Its not even about the presents, snow, fancy lights, food, the holiday movies, and the decorated tree. While all these things are great that is not why we celebrate this time of year.

It is the birth of our precious and holy Jesus Christ!! We were saved by a sweet innocent *BABY!!!!!* That is what we should be celebrating! That is what I should be thinking about and I should be happy about that! So I will no longer be the Scrooge because I am not unhappy that my Savior was born to save me!!!

So with all that said....


**Merry CHRISTMAS everybody!!** ( yes, I said Merry Christmas and not " Happy Holidays")