But as I sit here rocking my son to sleep for his nap I look out our big bay window and I am reminded from the trees, branches, and changing leaves of God's *GRACE* and His *FORGIVENESS*...
You may be thinking "What the heck are you talking about crazy woman?"
Well this is what I am talking about....
WE are SO lucky for this reminder from God.
Every single year the trees sprout new life and leaves in the spring. They live their little leafy lives. (Yes I said Leafy ;) ) during the summer. Then as fall comes they are at the peak of their lives and change to the beautiful reds, oranges, yellows etc... Then when winter with its harsh and freezing temps comes along the leaves are completely gone. The trees are bare. Spring rolls back around new buds on the trees start to blossom!
What a cycle it is... And a GREAT reminder....
Lets apply this to OUR lives...
YAY! New buds... We are growing and living life. Starting anew.
Hello Summer nice to meet you! We are making our mistakes and hopefully learning from them. Having fun swaying in the wind and dancing in the rain.
Fall.... Some of us will go through changes and others will just stay the same not learning from their mistakes. We "fall" away from our God or Faith perhaps.
Brrrr.... Winter rolls around and the leaves are gone... and all is left is bare trees... Everything almost looks lifeless.... dead....
And then when we are about to give up HOPE... BAM! *SPRING* is Back! We are FORGIVEN... Whatever it was that we needed the forgiveness for... We are FREE!!!
WE get a RE-DO!! And we keep getting them. Over and over and over and over (I think you get the picture) again. How lucky are we...
God is SO good to us and LOVES us like CRAZY that no MATTER what we do... He FORGIVES and doesn't look at us ANY differently....
What a love....